May 11, 2009

Shipping Supplies

What's in my car?, originally uploaded by passitonplates.

What's in my car?
I just hopped out to the store to buy some shipping supplies...
...a roll of bubble wrap, some shipping boxes, and a bag of peanuts...

That's a lot of peanuts, originally uploaded by passitonplates.

That's a lot of peanuts.
The bag is about as big as I am. Whew!

NOW I am ready to ship out all my plate orders.

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  1. That PT Cruiser is loaded to the gills! Talk about air bag protection!

  2. Well, I figured if I was rear-ended, I'd be fully protected. And the shipping peanuts would probably explode into a spectacular poof on the road. LOL
    (Actually, that's a Chevy HHR - it was designed by the same guy who created the PT.)


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