I want to take a minute and tell you about Wordless Wednesday. A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I craft when I'm trying to figure something out. (Like the stamp picture frames.) When I'm looking for inspiration and new ideas, I hop in the car and go for a drive, usually ending up off the map somewhere in a place I've never been. The newness of it all inspires me and gives me great ideas to take home and try out.
When gas prices were so darned high, plus buying a new home and Christmas on the way, I've had to find an inexpensive alternative to aimlessly driving around... Enter flickr and photobucket and picasa. I've also started taking my camera everywhere with me and shoot pictures of things that capture my attention.
When gas prices were so darned high, plus buying a new home and Christmas on the way, I've had to find an inexpensive alternative to aimlessly driving around... Enter flickr and photobucket and picasa. I've also started taking my camera everywhere with me and shoot pictures of things that capture my attention.

Travel agency Originally uploaded by passitonplates
Between other people's photography and my own, I see so many amazing places that eventually I had to start sharing some of these photos. Wordless Wednesday is a way to share these places that have inspired me. All these photos are taken in the month I share them, either in the current year, or in the same month from years past. (You folks in the upper Midwest and NE who have lots of snow in the winter might be amazed at how green western Oregon gets in the winter.) They're all from my immediate surroundings, too, so you can get an idea what places I used to drive to, and/or nearby places that I love.
In a way, Wordless Wednesday helps me share my muse.
I hope these pictures inspire you, too.
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