1. I am working two full time jobs right now: One is starting my own company called Pass It On Plates and the other is a full-time day job that I'm hoping to phase out so I can focus on my nifty plates business.
2. My beverage of choice is coffee. Good coffee, bad coffee, gas station coffee, espresso drinks... I love it all. Ok, I especially love espresso drinks. I think my blood type is C.
C is for Coffee.
(I should drink more water that hasn't been heated and filtered past ground coffee beans, though.)
3. I love going on road trips with my family. Trips to the beach are the best, but I also love long trips out of town. My daughter and husband (don't forget the dawg!) are a lot of fun to travel with.
4. The best thing in the world (for me) is to have a house full of happy people, good food and drink, and knowing everyone is having a great time. That's my happy place. We won't talk about the mad dash to tidy up, a half an hour before the first guest arrives, though!
5. A secret hobby of mine is to wander through fabric stores just to see the colors, patterns, and to touch all the textures. Can this count as some sort of therapy?
Fabric stores are DEFINITELY theraputic! Have you done the shop hop in Western WA from quilt shop to quilt shop? Another fav of mine is Mary Jo's Fabrics near Charlotte, NC - they claim to be the largest fabric store in the country - and I believe it!