October 13, 2008

Yes, I am one of the crazy ones

At the marketing seminar I attended last month, there was a lot of inspirational talk about making a difference and changing the world.

We were instructed to network during meal breaks and to sit with someone new when we returned to the seminar room after meal breaks.
I met a lot of very bright, amazing people, including Simon from the Bay Area who has a new product to make cars operate more efficiently and eco-friendly, David and Bruce from Spokane and Phoenix (respectively) who among other things educate people on the importance of investing in precious metals, Louis from Montreal who teaches presentation skills to professionals, as well as Julie and Tracy from the Victoria, British Columbia area who publish books (that's Julie) and manage vacation rentals (Tracy's business) - these two women have developed a Joint Venture to offer a writer's retreat at Tracy's rental property in Peru.

I showed samples of Pass It On Plates to everyone I met and worked on my elevator speech - the 30 second description of what the plates are and what they do. Nearly everyone told me the same thing, suggesting that I take a very particular approach with them - an approach I had first started with as I was developing the plates.

The problem back then was that I was not thinking big enough.

On the last day, all 500 seminar attendees wrote out their marketing plans, then we broke into groups to go over each others' plans and offer "consulting services" to each other to fine-tune those plans. My "Marketing Partners" and I came up with a plan that takes my simple idea and turns it out on a massive scale. I can't reveal what that is today, because some of the legal and tax details are still being worked out, but it's big.
Really big.

While I was there, Laurie B posted a video on her blog.
It gave me goosebumps. My dearest friends use the same adjectives to describe me.
Are you one of the Crazy ones?

The big idea from this crazy one may just change the world.
Watch and see.

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