If I met you at the show, Hi! Thanks for stopping by!
If you weren't able to make it to the show, here are some pictures of our corner of the auditorium...
Holey moley, those muffins are HUGE!
The PlateWraps are pretty generous and can cover up the biggest pile of treats you can fit on a plate.
I display all my PlateWraps in cake pans.
This is what I looked at all day.
...when I wasn't cruising around the room, introducing myself to other crafters and encouraging some really talented people to check out Etsy.com
It's almost like I was on a mission to recruit for Etsy.
No seriously, I was on a mission to support local crafty talent and help them find a way to sell online that is quick and easy to set up. Etsy fits the bill.
I don't know what I'm looking at...
(Me in the green, Rachel standing behind me, and Andi in the red, leaning against her painted dressers.)
I'm probably checking the pottery table across the room to see if the guy in the orange jacket is looking this way. Andi had her eye on him all day.
(Whoops I spilled the beans! Sorry Andi! )
That red and blue puzzle chest in front of me is one of Andi's items. She paited puzzle pieces all over a wooden chest, then left three unpainted puzzle piece shaped spots inside - it looks like the puzzle is almost finished. Very cool. Darn, I didn't think to take a picture of the inside... sorry!
We mounted the Doo Dads onto business cards, then stuck self-adhesive jewelry hangers (the plastic clip on the back of earring cards) to the cards. These were hooked onto a mini-blind that was zip tied to a coat rack (the kind that you hand hangers onto.
Pam at the Pass It On Plates table.
Don't you love the alliteration in that title?
You know, the more I look at this picture, the scarier I think I look. I'm not even smiling! I look like my feet hurt from standing all day.

Andi's dad is pretty darn talented with a paintbrush. (No secret where she got her talent from!) He painted several clocks with scenes from the coast.
So now I have to drag you over to Andi's table.Don'tcha love her dresser?
Three little painted mini dressers are on top of the Sunset Dresser.
One of Ernie's clocks is on the dresser, too.
I was hoping this picture would do justice to this beautiful dresser. In real life the colors are so brilliant that you can't help but stare and say, "Wow."
The top and sides fade from sunny yellow at the front to deep sunset red at the back.
There's another puzzle piece on the inside. Neat.
Andi had some teenagers eyeing this dresser.
I like the kidney shape of this seat. Andi says the guy's butt is big.
Either way, it's a neat backless chair
Anyhoo, this collection of pictures would not be complete if I didn't show you all of Andi's stuff. She also had hats with the painted furniture.
There are notes on this picture of the hats if you click on the picture below - clicking will take you to flickr where you can see the notes.Look at all these 'hatz.' Andi whipped up 40 in her "spare time."
We hang out together for almost 40 hours each week at the same place... if you know what I mean.
I spend my spare time blogging and playing with my flickr account and she makes hats.
Hey, those aren't bad vices to have...
BTW, my one $5 sale from the entire day bought the grey and burgundy striped hat. So basically, I gave away a $5 item to someone and my company now owns a hat.
Several vendors didn't sell squat, so I'm not complaining about my $5 . The whole show was pretty pathetic. Of course, the pottery guys sold at least one $10 item. Andi took $10 out of her petty cash to buy a cup from the cute pottery guy in the orange jacket. As she walked away, I said I would write up a receipt so she could keep track of the money. I wrote,
"$10 to Andi for flirting purposes."
Don't worry, Andi! I'm sure he won't read this blog.
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